New Premium Features in Our eBay PDF Catalog App!

September 11, 2019

We are thrilled to announce that we just added some new premium features to our eBay PDF Catalog app!Our PDF Catalog app creates a PDF Catalog for all your eBay inventory, this way you can send potential buyers a catalog with all your items on eBay!Thanks to our users positive reinforcement and feedback we decided to add 10 new designs & a variety of premium features!

The New & Improved Premium PDF Catalog

New designs

You will now be able to choose the design for your catalog from our selection of new premium templates. Our A4 template is perfect for users that want to print out their catalog, while our HD template is great for viewing your catalog full screen. Each template has 5 different color variations from which you can choose.


Sort by Category & Other Sorting Options

Besides having an index in your catalog that will sort your catalog into categories, you will also be able to create a catalog for each category separately. You can also choose to sort your catalog by newly listed/ending soonest/cheapest item/most expensive instead of by category.

Short Catalog URL

Want to easily share your catalog on social networks? Now you can with your own personal catalog URL!


Save to Archive

Want to go back and look at your old catalogs? Now you will be able to save each catalog to your personal archive and go back and check your old catalogs in your control panel at any time.

Social Icons & Contact Information

You will now also be able to add your contact information to your catalog’s back page and add social icons to it too.


If you’re already signed up to PDF Catalog just visit your control panel to take a look!Login NowIf you aren’t sign up to our PDF Catalog app visit eBay App Center to sign up.Sign Up To eBay PDF Catalog!We would love to hear your feedback about our latest upgrade so please feel free to leave a comment here below!Till next time,Tzipi.

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