3Dsellers Version 4.0 - 2021 - All in one Tools for eCommerce Sellers

October 31, 2021

What is new in 3Dsellers V4?

Promotional image of 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform

3Dsellers Version 4 makes managing an eCommerce and eBay business (with the best eCommerce tools) more dynamic, swift, and straightforward. The new system is optimized to make your team happier and more productive by accelerating how you streamline managing eCommerce tasks.

Throughout the new 3Dsellers eCommerce selling tool platform, there are many small organizational, graphic, and feature improvements to discover. Check out the overview below to see some of the newest features in 3Dsellers V4—the all in one eCommerce tools platform:

Increased speed, increased eCommerce productivity:

One of the first things you may notice about the 3Dsellers eCommerce Selling Tools Platform isn't just the simplified, beautiful layout, but the action speed is enhanced dramatically

Whether uploading images & CSVs, replying to buyers, or managing items and daily workflows, we can confidently say we now have one of the fastest eCommerce and eBay selling tool platforms on the market.

Multichannel eCommerce eBay CRM and Multichannel Orders Manager and Beyond

The 3Dsellers multichannel helpdesk began as an eBay help desk with email and Amazon integrations. As we've added more channels to our integrations list, we now have customer service software for Etsy, helpdesk software for Shopify, a reply desk for WooCommerce, a Facebook CRM, and more, all consolidated into one eCommerce customer service app. 

Because the multichannel helpdesk software integrates with our multichannel orders manager software, we ensured that using both while managing an inquiry, case, or general message is now as efficient and time-savvy as possible. 

In fact, the multichannel Orders manager's processes also underwent an overhaul. Now, not only do you get faster data, multiple items from the same multi-order are highlighted in yellow to ensure accurate multi-order shipping and processing.

A New Code Foundation: Ready for Expansion

As 3Dsellers has entered the world of multichannel selling (a promising future for every seller), we've taken this progressive step to lay a new foundation of code and reimagine our eCommerce selling tools and platform design.

The previous 'online office' we built for you is resting an old foundation that should not support the extensions we are building. So, we started from the ground up, laid a brand new slab of modern technology to build the multichannel selling platform of tomorrow.

In other words, one of the primary reasons for this big update is to get ready for more incredible eCommerce tools and features to come. We are working on many requests that our old system just was not able to achieve. So before we got too far ahead, we prepared our software for all the selling tools and features we would develop!

Enjoy a Comfortable Layout and Redesigned Workspace

Brought to you by the remarkable collaboration of professional eCommerce sellers and the industry's best UI designers, 3Dsellers is now a clean, centralized, organized work environment for your eCommerce empire. (and there's a dark mode!)

  • To simplify your space, we've reorganized the left navigation menu into eCommerce tool groups.
Arrow pointing to left menu of 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform
  • Click a tool group to view online selling tools and settings in the submenu.
Display of left menu's submenu in 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform
  • You can quickly switch accounts at the top of the sub-menu.
Arrow pointing to "Change account" menu in 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform
  • Then click your avatar to view a consolidated profile and integrations menu. (this is also where you can enable Dark Mode)
Mouse hovering over light mode dark mode option in Avatar menu on 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform

Everything from your profile settings to the Listing Manager (listing tool) is updated to keep your eyes focused on what you need by providing you with a materialistically minimalist atmosphere.

Helpdesk: the new "Customer Service" tool

Due to this tool's many new multichannel helpdesk capabilities, we rebranded and simplified the "Customer Service" tool name to "Helpdesk."

In addition to new automatic language translation, the multichannel Helpdesk tool is so feature-rich that V4 uses a whole group and sub-menu for this tool. The sub-menu contains your filter views, teammate inboxes, and settings. 

Full screenshot of the multichannel helpdesk in 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform

Let's look at some of the new features the multichannel Helpdesk has to offer in 3Dsellers V4.

Schedule Messages

Respond to buyers at the perfect time by selecting "Schedule Message" from the Reply button menu. Set a time, move on, and let the Helpdesk send your reply later. 

Display of the "Schedule Message" feature in 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform

This feature can be handy when discussing sales or other essential conversations to ensure you send the message during business hours or the most likely times their phone notifications will be active.

Collision Detection (see when a teammate is typing)

In 3Dsellers V4, you will now be able to see if another teammate is actively replying to a ticket. What's more, is that the Collision Detection (also known as, "cross-over prevention") shows when teammates are typing notes as well.

Teammate actively replying to an eBay CRM ticket in the multichannel helpdesk on 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform

If a teammate is entering text into the message editor, all other users that have the ticket open will see that the other teammate is currently responding. 

View Active Teammates

The multichannel Helpdesk now displays if a teammate is online. If the teammate is active on 3Dsellers, you will see a green marker on the bottom-right of the teammate's avatar. 

Green notification bubble showing active teammates in 3Dsellers eBay software and eCommerce Tools Platform

This feature can be helpful if needing immediate support from a teammate and knowing which teammates can assist. 

Auto Responder will wait for you to reply

Now you can delay the auto-reply so it will only send if you or a teammate doesn't reply within a certain amount of time.

If the Auto Responder sends a reply immediately after receiving a message, it may seem unnatural to the buyer. Furthermore, when actively replying to customers, it could be awkward if you respond shortly after the auto-reply sends. So we added this feature to help you prevent the robotic persona of normal auto responder settings.

3Dsellers V4 Is a Game Changer

We are thrilled about the new version and future of 3Dsellers. Praised in reviews and sought after by top-rated sellers, the tools for eCommerce sellers that we provide are supercharging thousands of businesses worldwide.

We are proud to lead the way as the internet's all-in-one resource for eBay software and eCommerce selling tools and have already received fantastic feedback from our sellers for 3Dsellers Version 4. 

Thank you very much for taking the time to review the new version of 3Dsellers and happy selling!

You made it this far! and are now more equipped to succeed in online sales! Enjoy a reward for your hard work!

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