increase ebay sales

Increase eBay Sales With These 2 New Management Tools!

Dina Taitelbaum
September 11, 2019

Your automated eBay selling manager just got smarter

Ever since the 3Dsellers platform launched, our mission was to combine all the necessary eBay tools under one dashboard allowing eBay sellers to control their business with maximum efficiency and increase eBay sales.

Thus, today, we’re very excited to announce the launch of 2 new features that will help you manage your business, automate and improve your communication with buyers and maximize your revenue.

Introducing: eBay Shipping Tracker & Inventory Manager

3Dsellers wants you to be on top of your game so we’ve built 100% automated software that tracks your eBay stock. Your inventory manager makes sure you automatically relist the number of items you choose according to your warehouse stock, and the shipping tracker takes care of all customer communication once your items are shipped.

Don’t worry, I’ll break it down to you and explain all the perks included in these features.

But first, I’d like to talk about the importance of a seller-buyer relationship to increase eBay sales because the relationship you build with your buyers will determine the success of your business. Like any other relationship, it must be built on trust and business transparency. Thus, customer service plays a huge role in building a good relationship with your buyers. In a long term, if you communicate with your customers and meet their needs, they will be loyal to you and their next purchase will most likely be from your store.

Your responsiveness is what will highly impact your business and increase eBay sales. This is when the Shipping Tracker comes in..

3Dsellers Shipping Tracker

To help you build trust with your customers, we’ve created a solution to notify your buyers about any changes regarding their order delivery. It works seamlessly with your eBay’s tracking details and is fully automated to save you time while drastically improving your customer service.

Your business not only feels professional, but it is also reliable. That is the message you will essentially be sending out with each update notification.

To further simplify your customer communication, you have a selection of email templates which can be fully customized and sent out according to appropriate triggers. For example, if the system sees that a package is held in customs, it will instantly send a notification to the buyer and you can begin a conversation to resolve the issue.

ebay messages template
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No longer do you have to manually check your shipments in order to keep your customers updated! 3Dsellers shipping tracker does that for you and most importantly, notifies your customers as soon as a delivery status changes. Remember we spoke about trust? Well, sharing information, forecasts and knowledge is definitely a main step in creating this trust. In the result, you create a high-level engagement with your customers, based on information that's valuable to them.

On your end, 3Dsellers shipping tracker helps you control all your shipments with a clear overview dashboard and an automatic alert system.

ebay messages for shipping tracking
Supporting over 100+ domestic and international shipping couriers

You can view your statistics for different time periods and analyse your business’s sales volume. Sort them in a way most comfortable to you and be on top of your game! In addition, you can set up to be alerted for most important delivery updates in order to take care of them immediately.

For example, if a package failed to deliver, the system will send both of you the notification and you will instantly be alerted via email to communicate with your customer. Instances like that occur and it’s important to handle them as soon as possible, especially if you’re notifying your customer automatically. Be responsive and your business will flourish because online buyers appreciate quick communication and support.

In fact, doesn’t a good shopping experience add value for money spent? We believe it does. Many brands out there use precisely this marketing “hack” to create loyal customers who come back and spend more money at their stores.

Our users' responses to shipping tracker notifications:

Image credit: Prince Patel @princepatel
ebay messages responses
Image credit: Prince Patel @princepatel

3Dsellers believes in making eBay seller’s life easier, more efficient and profitable. We want to help you save time while selling more! This is why our software is easy-to-use, combines the most necessary software tools to manage your eBay business and increase eBay sales. In addition to providing you with a tool to manage your eBay shipments and customer communication, we’ve also created the simplest way to manage your inventory so you can have full control of your warehouse stock.

The simplest eBay inventory manager to increase eBay sales

ebay inventory management

Now, you can have an inventory control system that syncs all your warehouse items with your eBay account. This helps you save time listing your available items across all your eBay listings.

Many sellers are aware of the “missing out” technique (FOMO) eCommerce business owners are using but to manage it is no simple task. If you want to create a scarcity effect and encourage immediate purchase from your potential customers, you probably go listing by listing and make sure you have a low quantity shown at all times.

ebay fomo example

It works, people buy when they see a limited amount, however, is it worth the time invested? With our newest inventory software, you won’t spend ANY time doing that anymore. Everything will be done automatically and you have full control over your inventory distribution.

Once an item is purchased, our system will automatically refill your eBay listing from your warehouse level according to your settings. For example, you have 100 cameras but you only want to list 10 as "available" so your customers feel like they must purchase before your special deal is over. So you set your level of eBay inventory at 10 and we will make sure your eBay listing ALWAYS deducts purchased items from your warehouse inventory and adds it to your eBay listing. Don’t miss out on selling!

Don’t lose your buyers for not relisting your items on time! We want you to never stop selling and we made it possible with an automatic relisting software. Now, you can view your inventory by categories, by volume and create bulk actions.

ebay inventory bulk actions

That's it for now! We hope you take advantage of these new management tools, automate your customer communication and automatically update your inventory. Build trust with your customers. Waste no time doing it manually. 3Dsellers' got your back!

You made it this far! and are now more equipped to succeed in online sales! Enjoy a reward for your hard work!

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