5 Tips on How to Increase eBay Feedback

September 11, 2019

Your eBay seller’s feedback score has a big influence over your eBay success, for better or for worse.

A good feedback score can be the deciding factor that leads a buyer to choose you over another seller and it's also a big factor in deciding your listings position in eBay’s search results.

That’s why it’s crucial that you don’t wait around for good feedback to happen, but work for it.

Often sellers that are eager to increase eBay feedback will use deceptive and “illegal” ways to do so. But these techniques can be quite harmful and can result in eBay removing your feedback, or in even worse measures.That’s why it’s important that you stick to techniques that are both effective and ethical.

Here are some of the top tips on how to increase eBay feedback, in a way that is in accordance with eBay’s guidelines.

How to increase eBay feedback

1. Provide a clear product description - Not only can a detailed product description help you optimize your eBay listing, but it’s also a great way to avoid bad feedback. So specify as much as you can in the item’s description and make sure that you describe the item accurately.2. Show the item clearly - Another great way to avoid unsatisfied buyers is to make sure that you take good photos of the item. Be sure to take photos that show the true color/hue of the item and if the item is used so also it’s imperfections. Avoid bad photos by using good natural lighting and upload a few different photos for each item to provide potential buyers with a true representation of the item.3. Be available - Make sure that you answer buyers questions in a timely manner and that you are available by e-mail. This way you can avoid one of the main causes for bad feedback which is lack of communication.4. Reach a resolution - unsatisfied buyers in many cases won’t leave negative feedback if offered an alternative. So be sure to explain in your return policy that buyer’s satisfaction is highly important to you and that if a buyer isn’t satisfied they should contact you right away.5. Remind to leave feedback - getting good feedback isn’t always about avoiding bad feedback, it’s also about reminding buyers to go to their eBay dashboard and leave feedback for their purchase. That’s why tools such as eBay feedback reminder can be extremely useful in helping you receive more positive feedback.Have more tips on how to increase eBay feedback? feel free to post them in the comments area below!

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