Angela Hoffman
Angela Hoffman Is a small Seller who has sold on eBay since 2011. I sell a mixture of items including new jewelry, purses, and accessories. I have written on the eBay forums since 2010. I have answered 747 posts with 349 upvotes. I also answer questions on other sites for people that need answers on eBay. I enjoy selling on eBay because it is the best platform and has the best exposure as an e-commerce site. I believe with the right tools eBay can successfully make money for people from all walks of life and for any size operation. In my spare time, I spend time with My granddaughters and My 3 chihuahuas, named Little Gurley, Little Man, and Peanut.
Author Articles

How to Optimize eBay Stock | 2018 Fall eBay Seller Update
Learn how to optimize eBay stock to 2018 fall seller update. A contributed post by Angela Hoffman, an eBay since 2011 and an active participant on eBay forums since 2010 shared her insights on eBay inventory optimization according to the product-based shopping experience and the eBay 2018 Fall Seller Update.
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