eBay app center

eBay App Center is Scheduled to Close by November 2018!

September 11, 2019

If you haven’t heard the news yet, eBay is shutting down their program, called Open eBay Apps, where 3Dsellers has been one of the biggest app providers since 2010. If you’ve registered to our platform through either one of our apps in the Apps Center, make sure to make the appropriate changes described in this article. For the past decade, eBay’s developers program has given opportunities for 3rd party applications to offer management services to sellers from within eBay. Now that the eBay App Center is being shut down, sellers who wish to continue using the apps will need to create new subscription plans directly through the providers’ websites.

Why is eBay closing the App Center?

This week, all app developers received an email notifying the termination of the Open eBay Apps program. In this email, developers are informed that eBay found a decline in their ability to maintain the Open eBay Apps program. Thus, “for business reasons”, eBay has decided to end the program completely.

What will happen to 3Dsellers subscriptions via eBay App Center?

All sellers, registered to either of the 3Dsellers apps will no longer be billed via eBay. The final invoices will occur on September 15h and October 1st, then your subscription will be canceled automatically. To continue using our tools, you will need to create a new billing subscription through 3Dsellers billing page.

Are there different subscription options?

Yes, currently, we offer 2 plans - Free & Pro. With a Free Plan, eBay sellers can use our limited versions of a Listing Designer, ThankYou Emails, CRM & Helpdesk, and PDF Catalog. A Pro Plan includes all of the following tools:

  • Feedback Reminder
  • Listing Designer
  • ThankYou Emails
  • Facebook Store
  • PDF Catalog
  • Store Designer
  • Video Maker
  • CRM & Helpdesk

Additionally, we offer all new users a 7-day free trial to use all Pro Tools.

Is there a change in price for 3Dsellers apps?

Yes, there is a slight price increase compared to your old billing plan. We’ve built all tools from the ground up, loaded them with tons of new features and introduced new billing plans. Up until now we enabled users to continue using our old tools with their old billing plans but due to eBay changes, this will no longer be possible. However, you can continue using a single tool subscription. Simply choose the tool you want to use in our billing page.Our pricing varies according to the monthly sales volume. This means, if your revenue is under $1000, your monthly fee will be only $9.90 for a full and unlimited version of 8 tools.Click here to see full pricing.


“The eBay App Center has given developers, like ourselves, a chance to launch our tools and recognize eBay seller needs to business improvement,” says Alex Flom, CEO and Co-founder of 3Dsellers, “Luckily, in the past 8 years, we’ve grown to acknowledge the most desired solutions for eBay sellers and combine the apps of most demand under a single platform. Although it is a sad moment for most eBay app developers, we feel lucky to been able to offer our solutions via the App Center and upgrade our services to an all-in-one platform.”We’d like to assure all 3Dsellers users, currently subscribed via eBay App Center that there is no need to worry. We will make sure your migration to 3Dsellers platform is as smooth as possible and this change will not affect your apps performance. In fact, we’ve been prepared for this eventuality. Recently, our tools have been upgraded with new, smart new features to make sure your maximize your eBay success.

Have questions? Don't worry, we're here to help!Drop a comment below or email us directly at support@3dsellers.com


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